Saturday, September 15, 2007

Barely Risotto

Oh to be a consistent cook. One of those talented geniuses that spew forth greatness from every orifice in a sparkly multi-colored swirl that smells like lilacs and tastes like salt water taffy.
As one who likes to blog about food I would hope that each entrance into the kitchen would result in sustenance worth sharing. Only the truly wonderful or terrible will do. It is so disappointing to make a dish that I am barely capable of mustering enough excitement to eat, much less make you poor folks read about.
Barley Risotto, it's filled with nutrients! Wow that's something my body needs anyway!
Barley Risotto will sustain you for several hours provided you can choke enough down! Just watch television while you eat it, it will help distract you!

Today's lesson: Barley plus broth does not equal risotto

1 comment:

stormy said...

Based on your description and picture - think I'll add this one to my "grits and other such delights" list.